Traveling is a wondrous experience, giving you the opportunity to learn new languages, experience different cultures, make new friends, and see breathtaking sights. Volunteering, both here in this country and abroad, is an even more intimate experience where you can dedicate your time and services to helping those in need.

Warren Marr in the Bahamas with Karazim Ministries.
Humanitarian work is truly a blessing to both those receiving and those giving. A whole new understanding, appreciation, and empathy may arise when volunteering. Traveling, however, can be a bit of a nerve-wracking experience, whether travelling to a bordering state, or thousands of miles away. There can be concerns regarding transportation, language differences, and more. However, these factors should not discourage anyone from volunteering. If you are second-guessing making the trip, the following quotes may help give you the motivation to go through with this beautiful act of kindness.
“The world changes according to the way people see it, and if you alter, even by a millimeter, the way a person looks or people look at reality, then you can change it.” – James Baldwin
Leaving a monumental and positive impact on the world doesn’t necessarily mean that you must provide a service that is physically straining. There are people who are in need of compassion, education, and other acts of generosity to help them.
Much of how we think shapes our world. There are people who do not have the rights or opportunities we do. Some don’t feel as though they have that option due to society’s perception regarding their race, gender, etc. You can offer someone a new perspective on their life and reality as a whole, through your humanitarian service.
“Volunteers do not necessarily have the time, they just have the heart.” – Elizabeth Andrew
Understand that volunteers make the time to do something that their heart desires. Volunteers enjoy seeing their efforts benefiting others. Time and money becomes less of a priority as more substance can be found in servicing humanity.
“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” – Gandhi
Finding yourself can sometimes seem like an impossible feat. However, volunteering can certainly bring you closer to yourself. When volunteering, you will likely be in different situations and a new setting, while learning how to manage real issues on site. You’ll get a closer look at how you respond, react, and contribute to a greater cause.